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Accelerated MA/MS in Human Development and Family Science

Mizzou’s 4+1 on-campus Master’s degree in Human Development and Family Science allows you to complete your Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in just five years. It will prepare you to critically consume research, translate research to practice, and make empirically-supported decisions. This degree prepares you to work in a variety of settings to support the lives of individuals and families.


Research the development, diversity, and resilience of individuals, couples, families, and communities in context and across the lifespan.


Create your personalized plan of study and capstone experience to specialize in the area most relevant to your career or educational goals.


Our accelerated master’s program allows you to enter your career sooner than a traditional program.

Apply for the accelerated master’s program by January 1 of your junior year. If accepted, you will begin your first year of the program in the summer term.

Year 1 of Master’s  (as Provisional Graduate Student) 

Year 1: Summer (credit hours: 1)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
HDFS 7001 Topics in HDFS 

Year 1: Fall (credit hours: 7)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
HDFS 8200 Research Methods in HDFS 
HDFS 8210 OR HDFS 8220 Theories of Human Development (8210; odd fall terms) OR Family Theories (8220; even fall terms) 
HDFS 8087 Professional Development Seminar 

Year 1: Spring Semester (credit hours: 6)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
HDFS 7001 Contemporary Topics in Human Development (even spring terms) OR Contemporary Topics in Family Science (odd spring terms) 
 Elective course 

Graduate with your Bachelor’s; begin Year 2 of the graduate program 

Year 2: Summer Semester (credit hours: 4)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
ESC_PS 7170 Statistics 
HDFS 7001 Topics in HDFS 

Year 2: Fall Semester (credit hours: 9)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
HDFS 8210 OR HDFS 8220   Theories of Human Development (8210; odd fall terms) OR Family Theories (8220; even fall terms)   
 Elective courses 6

Year 2: Spring Semester (credit hours: 9)

Course number Course title Credit hours 
HDFS 7001   Contemporary Topics in Human Development (even spring terms) OR Contemporary Topics in Family Science (odd spring terms)   
 Elective course 3
HDFS 8090 Research in HDFS: Master of Arts Capstone  

Courses are selected from:

  1. Statistics, research methods, and professional development (7 hours)
    HDFS 8200: Research Methods
    Any advisor-approved statistics course 7000 level or above
    HDFS 8087: Professional Seminar I
  2. Theory (6 hours)
    HDFS 8210: Theories of Human Development
    HDFS 8220: Family Theories
  3. Diversity (6 hours; additional courses may be taken to fulfill electives requirements)
    HDFS 7300: Black Families
    HDFS 7610: Stress in Families
    HDFS 8087: Poverty
    HDFS 8300: Advanced Seminar on Multicultural Families
  4. Electives (12-15 hours)
    HDFS 7001: Contemporary Issues in Family Science
    HDFS 7001: Contemporary Issues in Human Development
    HDFS8410: Infancy and Childhood
    HDFS 7640: Interpersonal Relationships
    HDFS 7252: Adult Development and Aging
    HDFS 8012: Family Dynamics and Intervention
    HDFS 8450: Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
    HDFS 8640: Family Interaction
    *course numbers not yet set
    Or any advisor approved graduate level course
  5. HDFS 8090: Project (3 hours)
    HDFS 8090: Thesis (3-6 hours)****Students must petition the graduate committee to complete a thesis and earn a Master of Science degree.

*36 credit hours are required to earn a Master’s degree

Choose a capstone experience to support your goals:

  • Project: Develop programming or policy to make a difference in your community
  • Thesis: Hone research skills and contribute to a body of knowledge

Apply Now

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Graduates from the on-campus Master’s program work in a variety of settings that support adaptive development and relationships.

  • Human services agencies
  • Family advocacy programs
  • County Extension offices
  • Emergency shelters / Crisis centers
  • Public policy / Government agencies
  • Early childhood centers
  • Assisted living centers
  • Family law offices

Why Mizzou HDFS?

  • Mizzou HDFS ranked #6 nationally in value by Great Value Colleges of all family and consumer sciences departments
  • Excellent national reputation and ranking among HDFS doctoral programs
  • Collegial and supportive culture
  • Over $100,000 awarded annually from departmentcollege, and university fellowships
  • Exceptional post-graduation employment rate in the graduate’s chosen field
  • Award-winning mentorship from nationally-recognized faculty
  • Curated plan of study prepares you for the career you want
  • Built-in opportunities to conduct research, publish, and present at conferences
  • Face-to-face and online teaching opportunities
  • Free professional development workshops