Melissa Herzog Rewarded for Improvement of Youth Development Online Grad Degrees
March 12, 2021
Melissa Herzog’s peers rewarded her online teaching methods with a 2021 Faculty Excellence Award from Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance. Herzog teaches in the youth development graduate degree program offered together online by seven universities. She is part of the online program as an assistant teaching professor and graduate advisor for youth development at…

Drs. Garneau-Rosner and Herzog Receive $6.24 Million Grant for ShowMe Healthy Relationships Program
Dec. 3, 2020
ShowMe Healthy Relationships (SMHR) is a partnership between the University of Missouri Extension, University of Missouri Department of Human Development and Family Science, and three Community Family Agencies who have come together to help singles and couples have happy and healthy relationships. The program has provided training in healthy relationship skills to 1,127 adult couples…